Month: January 2020

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How-to Prepare for a Hair Emergency with a Bun Kit

There’s nothing worse than rushing off to ballet class or rehearsal and then realizing that you don’t have all of the stuff you need to do your bun.  Like most dancers, my daughter is required to wear a neat, super slicked back and flat bun to class and …

Best Ballet Barres for Your Home Studio

If you are a bunhead, you know a bunhead or live with a bunhead, you know that they seem to always be dancing. In fact, I created an in-home practice studio for my bunhead daughter after I found that she was ALWAYS dancing–in the kitchen, in the hallway, …

Best Ballet Bags for Dancers

For serious teen or adult ballet dancers who attend classes and rehearsals multiple days a week, having the best bag is an absolute must. In addition to carrying all of your shoes, extra tights or leos, hair products, foot care or first aid kit, your street clothes with …