What is a bunhead?
A bunhead is a person who is obsessed with ballet or who is an extremely dedicated ballerina. The term could also be expanded to include anyone obsessed with any type of dance, not just ballet. Not only do bunheads spend a lot of time dancing in classes, rehearsal and on-stage performing, they also seem to be dancing everywhere they go.
They are always moving and some even dance in their sleep! If they aren’t moving, they’re watching their favorite variations or professional dancers on Youtube and analyzing every move. Anytime they hear music, they see choreography in their minds. Bunheads cannot stop talking about dance and it somehow finds its way into every conversation. They eat, sleep, dream, and breathe dance.
What is bunhead crew?
Behind every dedicated ballerina or dancer is their crew–all of the people who support them as they follow their dreams. This includes teachers, friends, family and anyone who contributes to the development and success of a bunhead. BunheadCrew.com is a place where not only bunheads can go, but also where their crew can go to find helpful articles on anything and everything relating to the world of bunheads.
About Me
My name is Sofia Alexander and I am the proud mama of a bunhead. I come from a family of bunheads and was at one time a bunhead myself before becoming a professional singer and private voice teacher. My study and love of ballet helped me in my singing and performing career so when my daughter was 3, I placed her in a pre-ballet/tap class with the hope that it would one day help her with her singing.
It was only a short time later that I realized that instead of being a singer, my daughter was an absolute and complete bunhead. She never stops dancing, ever! She dances all over the house, in the yard and even at the grocery store. She watches every video she can find online and analyzes them. She is devastated if she has to miss a class for some silly reason like getting the flu and hates it when the studio takes a week-long break for the holidays. As her mom and appointed leader of her crew, I do my best to support her as she follows her dreams.
Why BunheadCrew.com?
I decided to create this site so that I could put in one place on the internet all of the products, tips and other useful information that I have come to rely on as a member of a bunhead crew. My hope is that I can share all that I have learned with other bunheads and their crew as they follow their dreams in the dance world.